Parijat Chakrabarti

Research Affiliate
FSD Kenya

Parijat Chakrabarti is a Research Affiliate with FSD Kenya and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the School of Environment and Sustainability and the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His research examines how market societies, amidst rapid technological change and global market integration, balance competing interests between economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental stewardship. He has investigated these questions in the context of food systems and is interested in how market institutions can be better designed to promote long-term social and ecological well-being. His PhD work specifically examined the rise of platform economies in Kenya. In addition to his research, he has worked as a consultant for the World Bank’s Africa Gender Innovation Lab and served in an advisory role at the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics and at FSD Kenya.

Parijat holds a PhD in Sociology from Princeton University and a BA in Economics and Sociology from UC Berkeley.

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