Being an exhibitor provides your organization with a unique forum to meet potential customers and partners and also ensures a visible presence for your organization at this exciting conference.
Call for Exhibitions
The Agricultural Sector continues to be a key economic and social driver of development in Kenya. The economy of Kenya is primarily dependent on agriculture Although agriculture provides livelihoods to many, access to agricultural finance is often difficult. The financing sector has remained largely non-responsive to the needs of various agricultural actors and in some instances, poorly crafted solutions have been developed.
The gap has resulted in the emergence of formal and informal financing mechanisms that lack the scalability, capacity, quality and quantity to respond to the needs. Formal sectors such as government subventions and donor support lack scale while alternative income sources such as, social networks and sale of assets have been sub-optimal alternatives for raising the much- needed capital for investing in the sector.
Rootooba and key partners in the agriculture financing space are convening the Financing Sustainable Agricultural Transformation Conference, a two-day event planned for October this year to be held in Nairobi, Kenya. The Conference aims to bring together actors in the agricultural sector to engage on financing the sector and also on the appropriate models for funding agricultural activities. The landscape conversations will bring out challenges that will inform subsequent discussions with financing solution providers and beneficiaries.
The discussions will include designing financing solutions to ensure relevance to the wide range of beneficiaries, and de-risking approaches for injecting capital such as blended financing. The conversations will also seek ways to support beneficiaries, specifically the small holder farmers, to remain responsive and prepared to onboard financing solutions.
This premier event will bring together over 1,000 delegates who play a role across the agricultural value chain ranging from producers, Policy makers in the National and County Governments, Development partners, Financial and Insurance institutions, Agricultural Technology service providers and also input suppliers. Also expected to attend will be a wide variety of beneficiaries, both in the public and private sector and other actors seeking out financing and other agricultural solutions to boost efficiency along the value chain.
This conference will provide exhibitors a forum to showcase their financial and other solutions aimed at the agricultural sector.
Different categories of exhibitors are eligible including:
- Banks
- Insurance firms
- Microfinance institutions
- Implementers
- Certification bodies
- Producers
- Exporters
- Testing services solution providers
- Research Bodies-Agricultural, health, environment
- Academic institutions advancing financing courses
- Manufacturers
- Decision makers in public and private sector
The standard booth will be a 3m by 3m in size, and will come with a power source, one dressed table, and two dressed chairs. The dressing will be basic to provide exhibitors an opportunity to brand in their preferred styles/colors. A meter board to display company name will be provided.
Benefits for the exhibitor
- Interaction with a wide range of potential clientele in the agricultural sector
- Enhanced visibility locally and internationally
- Sale of products
- Networking opportunities with actors in the agricultural and financing space
- Opportunity to learn developments in finnancing from global experts Identification of the local and global market needs
- Explore new business and investment opportunities.
- Creation of visbility on Rootooba’s and Panagri media social media platforms and the Panafrican agriculture.
Exhibition rates
To confirm exhibition space, please register and proceed to make payments to the following details:
- Mpesa Paybill: 7013045
- A/C name: enter name as appears on the registration form
Further enquiries on exhibition space should be made through Carolyne Ngure; +254734 782782; +254717782782